[lmbench1.1 results for Linux turandot 2.2.14 #1 Sat Apr 8 01:39:30 CEST 2000 i686 unknown] [ALL: 512 1k 2k 4k 8k 16k 32k 64k 128k 256k 512k 1m 2m 4m 8m 16m] [ENOUGH: 5000] [FAST: ] [FASTMEM: NO] [FILE: /usr/tmp/XXX] [FSDIR: /usr/tmp] [HALF: 512 1k 2k 4k 8k 16k 32k 64k 128k 256k 512k 1m 2m 4m 8m] [MB: 20] [MHZ: 351 MHz, 2.85 nanosec clock] [MOTHERBOARD: ] [NETWORKS: ] [PROCESSORS: ] [REMOTE: ] [SLOWFS: NO] [DISKS: ] [DISK_DESC: ] [TIMING_O: 1] [Wed Apr 12 11:34:08 CEST 2000] [ 11:34am up 10 min, 0 users, load average: 0.68, 0.87, 0.48] [USER: ] [HOSTNAME: turandot] [NODENAME: turandot] [SYSNAME: Linux] [PROCESSOR: unknown] [MACHINE: i686] [RELEASE: 2.2.14] [VERSION: #1 Sat Apr 8 01:39:30 CEST 2000] [net: Kernel Interface table] Kernel: error fetching interface information: Device not found [net: Iface MTU Met RX-OK RX-ERR RX-DRP RX-OVR TX-OK TX-ERR TX-DRP TX-OVR Flg] Iface: error fetching interface information: Device not found [mount: /dev/hda1 on / type ext2 (rw)] [mount: none on /proc type proc (rw)] [mount: /dev/hda7 on /home type ext2 (rw)] [mount: /dev/hda9 on /stock type ext2 (rw)] [mount: /dev/hda6 on /usr type ext2 (rw)] [mount: /dev/hda5 on /var type ext2 (rw)] [mount: none on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)] mkdir: cannot make directory `/usr/tmp': File exists Simple syscall: 0.8797 microseconds Simple read: 1.3428 microseconds Simple write: 1.1205 microseconds Simple stat: 7.7823 microseconds Simple fstat: 1.6768 microseconds Simple open/close: 9.4785 microseconds Select on 10 fd's: 9.0198 microseconds Select on 100 fd's: 44.2903 microseconds Select on 250 fd's: 104.5094 microseconds Select on 500 fd's: 202.1111 microseconds Signal handler installation: 2.560 microseconds Signal handler overhead: 3.301 microseconds Protection fault: 1.826 microseconds Pipe latency: 9.1354 microseconds AF_UNIX sock stream latency: 17.6595 microseconds Process fork+exit: 324.1765 microseconds Process fork+execve: 2020.6667 microseconds Process fork+/bin/sh -c: 8111.0000 microseconds File /usr/tmp/XXX write bandwidth: 3674 KB/sec Pagefaults on /usr/tmp/XXX: 783 usecs "mappings 0.524288 127 1.048576 217 2.097152 397 4.194304 875 8.388608 2130 16.777216 4656 "File system latency 0k 1000 5166 47008 1k 1000 4470 36298 4k 1000 3750 32200 10k 1000 1207 26462 Cannot register service: RPC: Unable to send; errno = Invalid argument pmap_set: Invalid argument Cannot register service: RPC: Unable to send; errno = Invalid argument unable to register (XACT_PROG, XACT_VERS, udp).pmap_set: Invalid argument pmap_set: Invalid argument bind: Address already in use pmap_set: Invalid argument lib UDP: No port found: Network is unreachable lib UDP: No port found: Network is unreachable lib TCP: No port found: Network is unreachable lib TCP: No port found: Network is unreachable localhost: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: Unable to send lib TCP: No port found: Network is unreachable lib TCP: No port found: Network is unreachable lib TCP: No port found: Network is unreachable lib TCP: No port found: Network is unreachable connect: Network is unreachable connect: Network is unreachable AF_UNIX sock stream bandwidth: 102.49 MB/sec Pipe bandwidth: 254.02 MB/sec "read bandwidth 0.000512 94.64 0.001024 169.24 0.002048 278.72 0.004096 410.74 0.008192 339.25 0.016384 167.51 0.032768 167.75 0.065536 169.09 0.131072 169.47 0.262144 149.26 0.524288 145.33 1.05 135.77 2.10 134.74 4.19 134.71 8.39 134.59 16.78 134.44 "read open2close bandwidth 0.000512 33.99 0.001024 65.21 0.002048 119.64 0.004096 190.77 0.008192 170.35 0.016384 145.75 0.032768 155.53 0.065536 162.71 0.131072 161.28 0.262144 149.09 0.524288 142.97 1.05 134.69 2.10 134.33 4.19 134.42 8.39 134.49 16.78 134.43 "Mmap read bandwidth 0.000512 1096.23 0.001024 1226.60 0.002048 1296.63 0.004096 1326.47 0.008192 1352.18 0.016384 1253.89 0.032768 652.75 0.065536 655.59 0.131072 658.65 0.262144 543.68 0.524288 410.82 1.05 291.31 2.10 286.26 4.19 286.44 8.39 286.63 16.78 285.74 "Mmap read open2close bandwidth 0.000512 23.38 0.001024 45.78 0.002048 87.91 0.004096 159.28 0.008192 248.49 0.016384 288.49 0.032768 349.16 0.065536 405.35 0.131072 438.37 0.262144 388.15 0.524288 318.14 1.05 241.33 2.10 238.83 4.19 238.69 8.39 238.57 16.78 238.14 "libc bcopy unaligned 0.000512 636.98 0.001024 947.71 0.002048 1257.44 0.004096 1502.76 0.008192 1556.56 0.016384 236.42 0.032768 237.19 0.065536 237.58 0.131072 196.22 0.262144 161.34 0.524288 117.78 1.05 111.68 2.10 110.83 4.19 111.24 8.39 117.16 "libc bcopy aligned 0.000512 635.47 0.001024 947.96 0.002048 1260.47 0.004096 1502.76 0.008192 1433.41 0.016384 236.29 0.032768 237.11 0.065536 238.05 0.131072 220.66 0.262144 146.07 0.524288 114.62 1.05 105.51 2.10 105.44 4.19 104.86 8.39 114.54 "unrolled bcopy unaligned 0.000512 1265.34 0.001024 1293.63 0.002048 1298.98 0.004096 1287.25 0.008192 1100.98 0.016384 226.29 0.032768 234.35 0.065536 238.27 0.131072 211.94 0.262144 173.52 0.524288 118.40 1.05 108.40 2.10 106.75 4.19 106.45 8.39 114.62 "unrolled partial bcopy unaligned 0.000512 3826.07 0.001024 3469.22 0.002048 3206.99 0.004096 2995.69 0.008192 2417.26 0.016384 242.81 0.032768 243.12 0.065536 243.76 0.131072 219.63 0.262144 152.08 0.524288 120.50 1.05 108.13 2.10 107.05 4.19 106.33 8.39 115.54 Memory read bandwidth 0.000512 1309.00 0.001024 1356.24 0.002048 1370.09 0.004096 1360.97 0.008192 1370.58 0.016384 1254.32 0.032768 652.99 0.065536 655.72 0.131072 656.88 0.262144 653.03 0.524288 397.87 1.05 296.50 2.10 286.18 4.19 286.69 8.39 286.61 16.78 285.73 Memory partial read bandwidth 0.000512 4549.44 0.001024 5209.80 0.002048 5189.20 0.004096 4985.33 0.008192 5156.82 0.016384 3699.02 0.032768 1098.27 0.065536 1108.56 0.131072 1113.79 0.262144 899.54 0.524288 501.42 1.05 457.10 2.10 441.13 4.19 441.04 8.39 441.41 16.78 440.86 Memory write bandwidth 0.000512 1290.36 0.001024 1234.72 0.002048 1260.01 0.004096 1267.61 0.008192 1275.18 0.016384 1246.71 0.032768 310.74 0.065536 311.64 0.131072 311.02 0.262144 286.55 0.524288 228.55 1.05 163.74 2.10 147.52 4.19 145.81 8.39 145.69 16.78 145.68 Memory partial write bandwidth 0.000512 5152.83 0.001024 4430.33 0.002048 4699.42 0.004096 4844.97 0.008192 4944.84 0.016384 4503.57 0.032768 310.79 0.065536 311.02 0.131072 311.02 0.262144 310.97 0.524288 207.12 1.05 163.28 2.10 146.89 4.19 145.78 8.39 145.45 16.78 145.28 Memory partial read/write bandwidth 0.000512 2705.56 0.001024 2731.27 0.002048 2754.96 0.004096 2703.50 0.008192 2730.67 0.016384 2429.49 0.032768 310.29 0.065536 310.81 0.131072 310.97 0.262144 310.70 0.524288 225.69 1.05 164.12 2.10 147.81 4.19 145.48 8.39 145.37 16.78 145.35 Memory bzero bandwidth 0.000512 745.39 0.001024 1115.84 0.002048 1442.45 0.004096 1718.72 0.008192 1885.25 0.016384 1965.84 0.032768 311.13 0.065536 311.18 0.131072 311.81 0.262144 310.54 0.524288 210.25 1.05 172.15 2.10 155.45 4.19 152.98 8.39 153.00 16.78 153.04 "size=0k ovr=3.45 2 1.48 4 2.74 8 3.34 16 3.89 24 6.51 32 7.22 64 7.27 96 7.05 "size=4k ovr=6.41 2 2.41 4 5.88 8 8.07 16 9.88 24 10.73 32 11.11 64 16.62 96 16.56 "size=8k ovr=9.36 2 6.27 4 11.23 8 11.18 16 13.99 24 15.15 32 15.90 64 27.09 96 32.04 "size=16k ovr=15.25 2 19.09 4 19.95 8 19.80 16 26.20 24 46.45 32 45.56 64 56.23 96 57.25 "size=32k ovr=27.07 2 31.70 4 32.13 8 35.75 16 66.99 24 102.12 32 102.56 64 102.24 96 102.29 "size=64k ovr=50.59 2 58.61 4 58.56 8 97.33 16 192.91 24 193.33 32 193.56 64 194.00 96 193.28 Memory load latency "stride=16 0.00049 8 0.00098 8 0.00195 8 0.00293 8 0.00391 8 0.00586 8 0.00781 8 0.00977 8 0.01172 8 0.01367 8 0.01562 8 0.01758 27 0.01953 42 0.02148 42 0.02344 42 0.02539 42 0.02734 42 0.02930 42 0.03125 42 0.03516 42 0.03906 42 0.04297 42 0.04688 42 0.05078 42 0.05469 42 0.05859 42 0.06250 42 0.07031 42 0.07812 42 0.08594 42 0.09375 42 0.10156 42 0.10938 42 0.11719 42 0.12500 42 0.14062 52 0.15625 53 0.17188 52 0.18750 51 0.20312 50 0.21875 50 0.23438 49 0.25000 49 0.28125 58 0.31250 65 0.34375 63 0.37500 76 0.40625 73 0.43750 74 0.46875 78 0.50000 77 1.00000 107 1.50000 111 2.00000 111 2.50000 111 3.00000 111 3.50000 111 4.00000 111 5.00000 111 6.00000 111 7.00000 111 8.00000 111 10.00000 111 12.00000 111 14.00000 111 16.00000 111 18.00000 111 20.00000 111 "stride=32 0.00049 8 0.00098 8 0.00195 8 0.00293 8 0.00391 8 0.00586 8 0.00781 8 0.00977 8 0.01172 8 0.01367 8 0.01562 8 0.01758 38 0.01953 62 0.02148 62 0.02344 62 0.02539 62 0.02734 62 0.02930 62 0.03125 62 0.03516 62 0.03906 62 0.04297 62 0.04688 62 0.05078 62 0.05469 62 0.05859 62 0.06250 62 0.07031 62 0.07812 62 0.08594 62 0.09375 62 0.10156 62 0.10938 62 0.11719 62 0.12500 62 0.14062 76 0.15625 77 0.17188 76 0.18750 75 0.20312 74 0.21875 73 0.23438 72 0.25000 72 0.28125 84 0.31250 95 0.34375 93 0.37500 111 0.40625 107 0.43750 109 0.46875 115 0.50000 113 1.00000 156 1.50000 162 2.00000 162 2.50000 162 3.00000 162 3.50000 162 4.00000 162 5.00000 162 6.00000 162 7.00000 162 8.00000 162 10.00000 162 12.00000 163 14.00000 162 16.00000 162 18.00000 162 20.00000 162 "stride=64 0.00049 8 0.00098 8 0.00195 8 0.00293 8 0.00391 8 0.00586 8 0.00781 8 0.00977 8 0.01172 8 0.01367 8 0.01562 8 0.01758 38 0.01953 62 0.02148 62 0.02344 62 0.02539 62 0.02734 62 0.02930 62 0.03125 62 0.03516 62 0.03906 62 0.04297 62 0.04688 62 0.05078 62 0.05469 62 0.05859 62 0.06250 62 0.07031 62 0.07812 62 0.08594 62 0.09375 62 0.10156 62 0.10938 62 0.11719 62 0.12500 62 0.14062 76 0.15625 77 0.17188 76 0.18750 75 0.20312 74 0.21875 73 0.23438 72 0.25000 72 0.28125 85 0.31250 95 0.34375 93 0.37500 111 0.40625 108 0.43750 109 0.46875 115 0.50000 113 1.00000 156 1.50000 162 2.00000 162 2.50000 162 3.00000 162 3.50000 162 4.00000 162 5.00000 162 6.00000 162 7.00000 162 8.00000 162 10.00000 162 12.00000 163 14.00000 163 16.00000 163 18.00000 163 20.00000 163 "stride=128 0.00049 8 0.00098 8 0.00195 8 0.00293 8 0.00391 8 0.00586 8 0.00781 8 0.00977 8 0.01172 8 0.01367 8 0.01562 8 0.01758 38 0.01953 62 0.02148 62 0.02344 62 0.02539 62 0.02734 62 0.02930 62 0.03125 62 0.03516 62 0.03906 62 0.04297 62 0.04688 62 0.05078 62 0.05469 62 0.05859 62 0.06250 62 0.07031 62 0.07812 62 0.08594 62 0.09375 62 0.10156 62 0.10938 62 0.11719 62 0.12500 62 0.14062 76 0.15625 77 0.17188 76 0.18750 75 0.20312 74 0.21875 73 0.23438 72 0.25000 72 0.28125 85 0.31250 95 0.34375 94 0.37500 112 0.40625 108 0.43750 109 0.46875 115 0.50000 113 1.00000 157 1.50000 163 2.00000 163 2.50000 163 3.00000 163 3.50000 163 4.00000 163 5.00000 163 6.00000 163 7.00000 163 8.00000 163 10.00000 163 12.00000 164 14.00000 164 16.00000 164 18.00000 164 20.00000 164 "stride=256 0.00049 8 0.00098 8 0.00195 8 0.00293 8 0.00391 8 0.00586 8 0.00781 8 0.00977 8 0.01172 8 0.01367 8 0.01562 8 0.01758 38 0.01953 62 0.02148 62 0.02344 62 0.02539 62 0.02734 62 0.02930 62 0.03125 62 0.03516 62 0.03906 62 0.04297 62 0.04688 62 0.05078 62 0.05469 62 0.05859 62 0.06250 62 0.07031 62 0.07812 62 0.08594 62 0.09375 62 0.10156 62 0.10938 62 0.11719 62 0.12500 62 0.14062 76 0.15625 78 0.17188 76 0.18750 75 0.20312 74 0.21875 73 0.23438 73 0.25000 72 0.28125 85 0.31250 96 0.34375 94 0.37500 113 0.40625 109 0.43750 110 0.46875 116 0.50000 115 1.00000 159 1.50000 165 2.00000 165 2.50000 165 3.00000 165 3.50000 165 4.00000 165 5.00000 165 6.00000 165 7.00000 165 8.00000 165 10.00000 165 12.00000 166 14.00000 166 16.00000 166 18.00000 166 20.00000 166 "stride=512 0.00049 8 0.00098 8 0.00195 8 0.00293 8 0.00391 8 0.00586 8 0.00781 8 0.00977 8 0.01172 8 0.01367 8 0.01562 8 0.01758 38 0.01953 62 0.02148 62 0.02344 62 0.02539 62 0.02734 62 0.02930 62 0.03125 62 0.03516 62 0.03906 62 0.04297 62 0.04688 62 0.05078 62 0.05469 62 0.05859 62 0.06250 62 0.07031 62 0.07812 62 0.08594 62 0.09375 62 0.10156 62 0.10938 62 0.11719 62 0.12500 62 0.14062 77 0.15625 78 0.17188 77 0.18750 75 0.20312 74 0.21875 74 0.23438 73 0.25000 72 0.28125 86 0.31250 98 0.34375 96 0.37500 115 0.40625 112 0.43750 113 0.46875 119 0.50000 117 1.00000 163 1.50000 169 2.00000 169 2.50000 168 3.00000 168 3.50000 168 4.00000 168 5.00000 168 6.00000 168 7.00000 168 8.00000 168 10.00000 168 12.00000 169 14.00000 169 16.00000 169 18.00000 170 20.00000 170 "stride=1024 0.00098 8 0.00195 8 0.00293 8 0.00391 8 0.00586 8 0.00781 8 0.00977 8 0.01172 8 0.01367 8 0.01562 8 0.01758 38 0.01953 62 0.02148 62 0.02344 62 0.02539 62 0.02734 62 0.02930 62 0.03125 62 0.03516 62 0.03906 62 0.04297 62 0.04688 62 0.05078 62 0.05469 62 0.05859 62 0.06250 62 0.07031 62 0.07812 62 0.08594 62 0.09375 62 0.10156 62 0.10938 62 0.11719 62 0.12500 62 0.14062 78 0.15625 79 0.17188 78 0.18750 76 0.20312 75 0.21875 74 0.23438 74 0.25000 73 0.28125 89 0.31250 102 0.34375 100 0.37500 120 0.40625 116 0.43750 117 0.46875 124 0.50000 121 1.00000 170 1.50000 177 2.00000 177 2.50000 177 3.00000 177 3.50000 177 4.00000 177 5.00000 177 6.00000 177 7.00000 177 8.00000 177 10.00000 177 12.00000 178 14.00000 178 16.00000 178 18.00000 179 20.00000 179 [Wed Apr 12 11:38:31 CEST 2000]