What I like about theatre
I enjoy many theatre- and dance-related things. Here are some links.
- Arabesque and Scapino ballet are both groups of modern dance.
I was a member of the first, a student's group at the University of Twente that makes quite well-done productions.
The last is a professional group with a beautiful website.
Visit either of them if you have a chance --- and discover that ballet has a lot more to offer than princes, swans and fairies!
- Pro Deo is the improv theatre group that I am/was a member of, also at the University of Twente.
Improvisation is a challanging, difficult and exciting hobby.
- Opera I love it when the ladies hit the highest pitches.
I am a sopranist (male soprano) myself, and I'd love to do that on-stage once... but I'm probably not good enough.
A dream? I'd love to watch a show in Tony Amato's Opera one day --they know precisely how opera should be-- it's the romance that a theatre can offer in its purest form!
- Capoeira is a mix-form of dance and fighting sports, with elements of acrobatics and improvisation.
This turns out to be the exact thing I've been looking for all along!
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